Success at last and I have become a different person from who I was…. Riddled with a sense of failure, not really liking myself and barely enough energy “To start yet again on Monday – or next month (what was the point of bothering?). I would self sabotage any good intentions by the afternoon or evening and my inner voice would say, I am SO stressed/overwhelmed, feeling anxious I just wanted to go home, have a drink and shut everything out.
The first chilled glass soon gave way to a bottle, snacking and sending out for a takeaway. I didn’t really feel any better at the end of the evening and worse the next morning! A cycle of failure.
In the space of 12 weeks I am totally alcohol free and had my first ever Business Lounge Alcohol free Gin andTonic (delicious), a comfortable flight being able to remember the film I watched – followed by my first ever AF holiday and I loved every moment of it. I would not have believed this was possible and I have so much energy and an inner calm, my mind is not constantly thinking of when I will have my next drink, or the angst of waiting for my glass to be refilled at a party or social occasion.
The support of Sandra and the Group I was in was such a help with daily encouragement and nice to be a part of and share with like minded ladies.
My future is looking golden for the very first time ….🌈