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Control Alcohol.
Change Your Life.

I help high achieving men and women get control over alcohol so that instead of feeling deprived, they feel delighted they no longer have the need or desire to drink, without relying on willpower so they can create a bigger, more exciting life.

Sign Up for My Free Webinar to Learn the 5 Shifts To Gain Control Over Alcohol Without Using Willpower  

Control Alcohol & Change Your Life with Just The Tonic Coaching

Just The Tonic Coaching is designed to help you gain control over alcohol through powerful mindset shifts

I had a successful corporate career but my social life revolved around alcohol and while no one around me considered me a problem drinker, I could not imagine a life without alcohol and considered alcohol essential to enjoying my life. I was healthy, I exercised, ate well etc etc but alcohol was the one vice I couldn’t control.


Sign Up for My Free Webinar to Learn the 5 Shifts To Gain Control Over Alcohol Without Using Willpower  

When we think of a problem drinker we usually think of someone who drinks way more than we do, has hit rock bottom and we label them an ‘alcoholic ‘. But there is a broad spectrum of drinking and you don’t have to have hit rock bottom to want to change. Maybe like me you have had one hangover too many and have had enough of waking up feeling anxiety and remorse about what you said and did the night before. You may rely on alcohol to de stress after work, as a reward or treat or to have fun and right now you can’t imagine life being bearable without it, and that may scare you. Or you want to be able to enjoy a night out without alcohol instead of feeling envious of everyone who is drinking. Or you simply don’t like that this is one area in your life that you don’t have control over and you want to take your power back.


I can help you remove the grip alcohol has over you for good, without any pain or deprivation. You are then free to decide to moderate or to give up alcohol completely. Together we can transform your relationship with alcohol, to change your life.

Learn How to Control Alcohol and Live an Alcohol-Free Life

Stay Awhile


Breakthrough Call

This free forty five minute call is an opportunity to get clarity on your current situation and your ideal relationship with alcohol going forward.


Join my webinar

On this webinar you will learn a step by step plan my clients are using to gain complete control over alcohol and upgrade their social life without any guilt shame or labelling, willpower not required.


Take the quiz

Take this quiz in less than 5 minutes so you can better understand your current relationship with alcohol.
Discover if it’s better for you to moderate your intake or to stop drinking altogether.

Acohol Control

Just The Tonic Coaching

Just The Tonic Coaching provides a unique combination of small group and one to one coaching for high achieving professional men and women looking to change their relationship with alcohol.

The liberty to enjoy your best life.

What Clients Say


With Sandra's ever reliable and nurturing nudges towards success I have discovered strategies and learned new facts about drink that allowed me to make new and better decisions to achieve 30 days alcohol free and take me beyond this and into a new exciting future.


With Sandra's ever reliable and nurturing nudges towards success I have discovered strategies and learned new facts about drink that allowed me to make new and better decisions to achieve 30 days alcohol free and take me beyond this and into a new exciting future.


I'm just so glad I sent that first message! Getting such empathetic support from Sandra, and sharing Zoom calls with other women who are feeling just as stuck in this destructive cycle was for me so much better than struggling on alone.

Sandra sits down with Annie Grace, and shares her Naked Life Story
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