How much were you drinking and what problems was it causing?
Before signing up to Just the Tonic’ with Sandra I was drinking around a bottle of wine most nights. It had also become more common to break into a second bottle. I suffered extreme guilt and wasted energy arguing with myself constantly abut how much to drink. I tended to drink alone at home and would avoid going out as I’d probably have to drive and wouldn’t be able to drink.
What was the key reason you wanted to change … what motivated you?
I was really scared I was dependent on alcohol and was concerned for my health.
Were you sceptical this method would work for you?
I was hopeful I could reduce my drinking and have an alcohol free period but sceptical it would be a change for life. I couldn’t imagine not actually wanting to drink.
What difference has being alcohol free made to your life?
I feel free, lighter and no longer exhausted by my inner battles. I have more clarity across my life and also have fund tat doing this one thing for me has actually enabled me to put myself first in other aspects of my life. I value me more. Having said that I also feel able to give more to others too and feel my adult daughter and my elderly mum are also getting the benefits of the improved’ me.
What would you say to someone worried about their drinking thinking of working with me?
I’d say stop worrying and take action. Give Sandra a chance to help. I did debate whether I could afford the financial outlay and kept thinking what else I could do with the money but I can honestly say I haven’t looked back and my health and wellbeing are definitely worth it.