How much were you drinking and what problems was it causing?
For many years I had been drinking about a bottle of wine each evening. Then in January 2020, I suddenly found I was finishing the bottle, then walking up to the shop to buy a second, and drinking most of that too. Not every night, but maybe 2 or 3 nights a week. I was very scared that if the local shop was shut, I might get in the car and drive to the next one. Then one night I went to a meeting in the village hall, and went to the shop and bought a bottle of wine to drink after the meeting. Well, it was burning a hole in my bag, and I left the meeting after half an hour as I just wanted to open the bottle. That was my rock bottom moment when I knew I had to do something. I had read This Naked Mind the previous autumn and not drunk for 6 weeks, so I knew this would be the way forward.
What was the key reason you wanted to change- what motivated you? What did you try before and what failed ?
My motivation was that I knew I HAD to stop drinking or something bad would happen – drunk driving, falling downstairs and breaking my neck, something like that. It was ruining my life. I was always hungover, even if only mildly, so I was always grumpy and unhappy. Some days I didn’t do anything other than try to kid myself it was a ‘duvet day’, when in fact it was I was feeling too ill to do anything. In the past I had tried hypnotherapy, which worked for 2 months, willpower, which worked for about 10 minutes. The only times I successfully stopped drinking were when I went travelling and all my usual habits were on hold. It’s hard to get hold of wine in the African bush and I realised that I didn’t miss it so long as I was occupied doing something else. That gave me great hope that I would stop. And I did stop for 2 years after I returned to the UK, then one evening I was bored and decided to drink – and the whole cycle started again.
Were you sceptical this method would work?
I was extremely sceptical. I signed up from June 1st 2020, and spent the first month telling Sandra that deep down I did not want to give up drinking and it would not work. I had NO faith whatsoever that it would work. She just kept saying to do the work and it would come right. I stopped drinking in mid-August and have not looked back. It does not even occur to me to turn to drink when I feel sad. I realise now that alcohol makes everything worse, not better
What amazing immediate results you got
Yes, amazing result. Sandra saved my life, of that I am sure.
Biggest benefit for you in doing this work?
Being completely alcohol free and not wanting to turn to alcohol whether happy or sad. So now I can improve other areas of my life that have been neglected. I am a much happier, more content person now.
What would you say to someone thinking of signing up to work with me?
Please do it. You will be amazed by the results. One caveat: you must do the work every day. It does not take long, but you must do it.