How much were you drinking and what problems was it causing?
It was hard to admit to myself that I had a problem. I didn’t drink during the day. I didn’t drink every day. I didn’t drink more than some of my friends drank. So, I didn’t really have a problem… did I? My alcohol intake had increased during difficult times in my life and hadn’t reduced that much in the good parts, to the point where I was drinking up to bottle of wine a night. My moods were enhanced to the extreme by the alcohol and prone to change quickly. I was not always nice to my family and never to myself.
What was the key reason you wanted to change – what motivated you?
When I gave up my stressful job, I thought I could cut down to just a glass or two at the weekends. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t do it. I didn’t like myself – not with alcohol and definitely not without it. My father had died at 61 due to alcohol related illnesses and I wasn’t ready to leave my family that soon.
How did you discover me?
Facebook advert. I saved it and re-looked at it often for a couple of months before admitting to myself that I needed some help to do this. I felt bad about spending the money on me but I think the whole family is now glad that I did.
Were you sceptical this method would work?
The thought of the group was terrifying but it turns out that it was full of normal people who felt like I did and had the same problems with this poison. Who would have thought that was possible?! Actually it was a surprise. The support and accountability was amazing and vital.
I didn’t really believe in a mindset shift but it happened anyway by doing the modules and contributing to the group. I think different people find different parts of the modules most useful and it is important to commit to doing them thoroughly, along with the extras that Sandra provides
Did you try before to cut down or have a break from alcohol?
Yes. I had done Dry January before, failed to do Sober October and struggled to have even a few alcohol-free nights. I felt deprived. I ended up drinking more afterwards … as a reward? … to catch up?
What amazing results did you get? – What about the impact on your career and relationship?
I don’t get morbidly depressed. I don’t get over-excited. I feel fresh in the mornings. I have grown up emotionally and am able to face my feelings with an unexpected strength, rather than just numbing them. I have much more quality time and freedom from thoughts about alcohol and the shame and worries that accompanied it. I have lost my ball and chain.
What would you say to someone thinking of signing up to work with me?
Get on with it! You don’t have to hit rock bottom first. You will be amazed at the change in yourself.
What are you most excited about now that you are alcohol free?
Living. I don’t crave or even think about alcohol now – as someone who doesn’t drink it, why would I? I’m not saying that I will never drink alcohol again … but I think it is unlikely.